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Seated forward bend

Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)

Seated forward bend

Take your legs out in front of you
Sit as tall as you can, if you feel tight in back of your legs, you can bend your knee as much as you need to.
Flex your feet and spread your toes.
Take your hands to the side of your hips.
With your breath in, lengthen your back and tuck your tale bone under
Lift your chest and relax your shoulders.

Seated forward bend

As you exhale, forward fold hinging at your hips,
not round your back  
Inhale, lengthen over your legs even more.
Exhale, sink little bit dipper.

・Tones abdominal and back muscles
・Strechs in back of the legs and the back
・Anti aging


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